Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

Dr. Farzad Farahmand is a wellness practitioner with a passion to help patients achieve and maintain a state of health and wellbeing. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of Chiropractic, Homeopathic and Biochemic medicine.
Since the early teenage years, he’s been interested in the natural sciences, especially Chemistry, Biology and the study of life and human development. In 1993, he completed his undergraduate studies and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in the field of Cellular and Molecular Biology from California State University, Northridge.
He completed his graduate studies in 2003 in Chiropractic and received his Doctorate from Life Chiropractic College West.
He began his practice working alongside his father, Dr. Salar Farahmand, a formerly practicing Pediatrician and a researcher in the field of Homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Magnet Therapy and Biochemic medicine, with a combined practice experience of close to 40 years.
In the 5 years of working with Dr. Salar, Dr. Farzad had the chance to observe a significant number of patients resolve their physical and mental complaints with natural and non-toxic
treatments. He has combined and put together several approaches and modalities to treat the cause of patient’s complaints beyond their symptoms in order to achieve and maintain a state of well being, as well as learning to adopt a healthy life style. He specially believes in the prevention of illness and promoting overall wellness, rather than addressing only the previous labeling and diagnosis of patients.
His background and previous interest in Cellular Biology lead him to specialize in the field of Biochemic medicine, which he believes to be a safe and nontoxic approach to wellness by restoring health to the cells and in turn to the whole body.
In addition to the treatment at the cellular level, he strongly believes that overall wellness is achieved beyond just the physical level, and considers the importance of the Universal Intelligence and strengthening the innate or the vital force of the body to allow the body to heal itself. He often mentions having the pleasure of meeting his teacher and mentor Dr. Bruce Lipton, the then unknown world renowned international speaker, cell biologist and author, while he was studying at Life West Chiropractic College. He regards Dr. Bruce Lipton as his source of inspiration, not only in furthering his interest in the sciences and Cell Biology, but also in confirming his belief in a higher power and energy that is running everything in the Universe and our body.
His goal is to be able to educate patients and restore wellness to more and more patients using natural and Chiropractic modalities.
He is currently practicing in Woodland Hills, California.