Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
By Dr. Farzad Farahmand:
ADD / ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a biological brain related condition that is characterized by poor attention, distractibility and/or hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. It is one of the most common mental disorders to develop in children. If left untreated, ADHD can impair one’s performance in school and at work. It can also affect social relationships and leave the individual with a general feeling of emptiness and low self esteem.
ADHD is often first detected when a child enters school. Attention and behavior issues become more obvious in this structured setting. The student may have trouble sitting still or waiting his turn. His impulsive behaviors may lead him to “act before thinking”. His short attention span and distractibility become more noticeable.
It was once believed that ADHD was exclusively a childhood disorder that was outgrown during adolescence. It is now known that these symptoms can continue into adolescence and adulthood.
Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness may decrease somewhat during adolescence and be replaced with feelings of restlessness. Attention problems often persist and may manifest themselves in different ways. Time management and organization are often difficult. Planning ahead, finishing work, staying on track, organizing activities, following conversations and maintaining relationships all may require intense effort.
Some research suggests that the cause of ADHD is a genetic deficiency of certain neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters such as Dopamine help regulate behavior. With low levels of Dopamine, neurons in the frontal cortex of the Brain which are responsible for attention, do not communicate properly. There is also evidence that the neuronal receptors that recognize Dopamine are dysfunctional in people with ADHD.
Individuals who are inattentive have difficulty staying focused and attending to complete tasks. They are easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds, shift from one activity to another, and seem to get bored easily. They may appear forgetful and even spacey or confused as if “in a fog.” Organizing and completing tasks is often extremely difficult, as is sorting out what information is relevant versus irrelevant. An individual with inattentive symptoms may have great difficulty keeping up with items, frequently losing things and living life in a disorganized way. Time management is also often an issue. Inattentive behaviors are sometimes overlooked because they are often harder to identify and less disruptive than hyperactive and impulsive symptoms. An individual with the predominately inattentive type of ADHD may often appear sluggish, lethargic and slow to respond and process information.
Individuals who are hyperactive have excessively high levels of activity, which may present as physical and/or verbal over activity. They may appear to be in constant motion and on the go. They have difficulty keeping their body still, moving about excessively, squirming or fidgeting. Individuals who are hyperactive often feel restless, may talk excessively, interrupt others, and monopolize conversations not letting others get in a word. It is not unusual for an individual with hyperactive symptoms to engage in a running commentary on the activities going on around them. Their behaviors tend to be loud and disruptive. This difficulty regulating their own activity level often creates great problems in social, school and work situations.
Individuals who are impulsive have trouble inhibiting their behaviors and responses. They often act and speak before thinking, reacting in a rapid way without considering consequences. They may interrupt others, blurt out responses, and rush through assignments without carefully reading or listening to instructions. Waiting turns and being patient is extremely difficult for someone who is impulsive. They prefer speed over accuracy and so often complete tasks quickly, but in a careless manner. They go full swing into situations and may even place themselves in potentially risky situations without thought. Their lack of impulse control can not only be dangerous, but can also create stress in school, work and relationships with others. Delayed gratification or waiting for larger rewards is very hard for an impulsive person.
As many as one third of children with ADHD have one or more coexisting conditions. The most common of these are behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, learning and language disabilities. Adults with ADHD show an even higher incidence of additional or accompanying disorders. These adults may also suffer from depression, mood disorders, substance addictions, anxiety, phobias and behavioral problems.
Homeopathy and Attention Deficit Disorder
There are a number of features that make homeopathy exclusive and desirable to parents of kids with ADHD. Rather than prescribing strong and addictive psychiatric drugs, Homeopathic treatment of ADHD takes a more holistic look at the individual. Every disease is considered as a Mind-Body process where your personality traits are as important as your physical symptoms, thus taking into account the diet, lifestyle, personality, surroundings and emotional factors. Natural remedies are used to successfully treat the symptoms, helping the person to heal and to reach a state of balance and health.
The natural approach is also safe with no side effects. This is very important, especially in the case of children, because of the frequent side effects of prescription drugs and the risk of addiction. Homeopathy offers a wider range of options than conventional medicine. Classical homeopathic treatment with the management of an experienced and professional homeopath is an excellent choice for the treatment of ADHD.
The action of homeopathic remedies is that they function as a channel for the body's own inner healing mechanisms to go into action to correct health imbalances. Homeopathic remedies are concerned with the body’s own healing energy or the Vital Force of the individual. It creates a resonance within, which smoothly returns the whole individual back to health, and blooms the person into a vital state of health where peace, harmony and well being are in power.
In addition to Classical Homeopathy, many patients with ADHD and other coexisting conditions have been benefiting from a Homeopathic treatment formula for brain disorders. This formula, known as the Normalizing Brain Function Formula, designed by the world renowned homeopath and researcher, Dr. Salar Farahmand, has been extremely successful in normalizing brain function and improving a variety of mental as well as endocrine and vital functions.
Dr. Salar's Normalizing Brain Function Formula has been receiving international attention, including recognition from Dr. John Gray, the author of the famous book, “Men Are from Mars, Women from Venus”.
For a Free phone consultation, please call:
818 501 2000
Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
22020 Clarendon Street, Suite 101
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367