Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

Brain Related Disorders
Chemical, or “Electro” Chemical Imbalance?

By Dr. Farzad Farahmand:
Brain is the most complicated and the least understood organ in the body. Neuro-scientific research has slowly been evolving over the years in attempting as best as possible to understand the structure and function of the Brain and the Nervous system. And likewise, there have been considerable advancements with success in the field of medicine, in attempting to identify different conditions, and controlling the various symptoms of Emotional illnesses such as Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and more. However, it is safe to say that our understanding of the Brain is still quite limited in relation to its immense complexity, and therefore we need to be open to new possibilities and perspectives, as research continues to evolve and find ways in helping sufferers achieve and maintain symptomatic relief and overall wellness.
As soon as there is a mention of the name of any Brain related disorder, the word “Chemical” is the first thing that pops up in the mind of the general public. For example, the cause of Anxiety and Depression are automatically thought of as being related to some type of a Chemical imbalance in the Brain. Chemical imbalance is certainly a possible cause for Brain related disorders, and balancing Brain Chemistry has surely been an effective method in relieving symptoms in sufferers. However, the story doesn’t end there. In addition to Chemical imbalance, the latest research has shed light onto many different possible causes and solutions for these disorders.
In this article, I’ll be exploring the latest research and development in our understanding of the Brain and its related Emotional disorders, as well as offering simple solutions proven to help many sufferers lead the life that they deserve. So, let us begin…..
As mentioned already, the Brain is the least understood organ in relation to other organs in the body. However, research has come a long way in identifying certain regions of the Brain and understanding their function. These regions are referred to as Lobes. For example, it is established that the Occipital Lobe, which is the region located in the back of the Brain is responsible for vision, the 2 side regions of the Brain referred to as the Temporal Lobes are responsible for hearing, the Frontal Lobe, or the Frontal Cortex, the largest Lobe in the Brain located directly behind our forehead are responsible for our emotional drive, motivation and planning, and more.
A very small and specific region located deep at the center of the Brain is identified as being the Emotional center of the Brain. This small region is called the Limbic System and it’s comprised of different structures responsible for processing Emotions and storing memory. The structures that make up the Limbic System include the Hypothalamus, the Hippocampus, Amygdala and more. It is believed that most Emotional disorders in the Brain such as Depression and Anxiety stem from dysfunction in 2 specific regions in the Limbic system. The Hippocampus and the Amygdala.
Hippocampus- Is the area of the Brain associated with Motivation, storage of Short Term and Long Term Memory, and it is the area where Emotions are connected to those memories. It is understood that Hippocampus is the main area in the Brain associated with Depression. In clinical Depression, the Electrical activity and the connections between the Brain cells or Neuron in the Hippocampus are decreased, weakened or lost, leading to a reduction in size or a structural shrinkage of the Hippocampus. Hippocampus becomes Electrically underactive upon the decrease or the loss of connection between the neurons, and it becomes smaller in size.
Amygdala- Is the area of the Brain responsible for feelings of Fear, Anxiety, and Aggression. Studies have shown that Amygdala tends to be over-active in those with Depression & Anxiety, and in those experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In PTSD, the amygdala is known to get sensitized to Pain, Fear, Anxiety, Panic, Negative thinking and more... And the size of the Amygdala is shown to get larger in Anxiety and Depression.
Studies have shown that repeated and periodic Depression shrinks the Brain’s Emotional center. The Hippocampus progressively gets smaller with recurrent episodes of Depression. In other words, the more episodes of Depression, the greater the size reduction. Therefore, the more the Depression is left untreated, the more reduction in the size of the Hippocampus.
The question is what comes first. The shrinkage or the Depression? Research has shown that first comes the Depression, and then comes the shrinkage or the reduction in the size of the Hippocampus.
The good news however is that in the Hippocampus, the Brain cells or Neurons themselves are not damaged. Only the connections between the Neurons are lost. Hippocampus is one of the most rapidly regenerating parts of the Brain that can be healed and restored. Neuroplasticity is the ability of Neurons to make new connections in case of an injury or an illness, in this case Depression.
In addition to diminished neuronal connection and communication between the neurons in the Hyppocampus, Depression in the field of neuroscience is also linked to decreased firing of the neurons in the Frontal Lobe or the Frontal Cotex. Diminished electrical activity within, and in between the neurons of this region of the Brain can lead to impulsive behavior, lack of motivation, and an inability to set goals or follow through on projects or plans.
Loss of connections between the Neurons causes a decrease in Electrical activity in the Brain, leading to decreased Alertness, Foggy mind, Lack of Concentration, Memory loss, and difficulty processing information, feelings and Emotions. Doing any kind of thinking or physical work would need more effort and energy than is normally needed, leading to Fatigue and Exhaustion.
During a Depression episode, you feel disconnected from the world, helpless to make any changes, and paralyzed by thoughts inside your head.
Chemical, or “Electro” Chemical Imbalance?
Brain is the Electrical or the Power generator of the body. All the sensory inputs that we receive from the environment, including visual, sound, taste, smell and touch or pressure, first initiate an Electrical signal that travels down the nerves. Every thought that we have also initiates an Electrical signal or an Action Potential in the nerves. Once this Action Potential is initiated, Electrical signal travels down the Neurons. Chemicals or Neurotransmitters are only responsible for the communication between the Neurons.
The question is what comes first, the Electric signal or the Chemicals? And the answer is Electrical signal. Electricity comes first, and then the Chemicals. There is no question that Chemicals play an important role in Electrical activity travelling from Neuron to Neuron across the Nerves in the Brain. But what if the Electricity is weak in the Brain to begin with? No amounts of Chemicals are going to make any difference. Chemicals can only transmit that weak signal from one Neuron to the next. They cannot strengthen the weak Electrical signal.
Chemical imbalance can certainly be a possibility, but in many cases the problem may be Electrical imbalance or Electrical weakness in the Brain cells or the neurons themselves. Nerve conduction is not only a Chemical phenomenon, but rather an Electro-Chemical process. It is the Electrical signal reaching the end of the axon or the end of the Neuron that causes the release of Chemicals or Neurotransmitters. Without Electricity there would not be any Chemicals released. Electricity is the primary factor. Chemicals are only secondary.
The Vital Force, Life force or the Energy field that runs through, heals and maintains our body, is a high frequency Energy that is not physically visible. As the frequency or the vibration of energy decreases, the energy begins to manifest itself in a physical form. The first physical manifestation of the Life Force in our body is Electricity. Whenever the Vital Force or the Healing Force in our body becomes weak, the Electrical activity in the Brain and throughout the Nervous system becomes weak as well.
Since Electrical conduction across the Neurons in the Nervous System is an Electro-Chemical process, addressing Electrical conduction across the Neurons is just as important, if not more important, in the treatment of Depression, Anxiety and other Brain related Disorders, than it is in addressing the Chemical imbalance between the Neurons.
The gaps between the Neurons, where the Chemicals move to carry the Electrical signal across, are referred to as Synapses. There are 2 types of synapses:
Chemical Synapses
2. Electrical Synapses
Chemical synapses are separated by a large gap where the Chemicals or the Neurotransmitters pass to conduct Electrical activity. In Electrical synapses, there is very little gap between the Neurons, and therefore there is no need for Chemical messengers to travel in between the Neurons to carry out Electricity. Electrical synapses tend to be much faster than the Chemical synapses, and are found in great numbers in the Brain. Stimulating the Electrical synapses in addition to addressing the Chemical imbalance in the Chemical synapses can help sufferers feel relief much faster.
Trans-Cranial Electro Stimulation devices, designed for use at home, can provide low voltage Electro-Stimulation to the Brain, giving the neurons in the Brain a jump start, therefore stimulating the process of Neuroplasticity or the formation of new synaptic connections between the Neurons in areas where Neuronal connections are lost. In time, the lost Neuronal connections can be re-established, and the area of the Hippocampus in the Brain that was previously reduced in size, can increase in size, therefore bring about relief of Depression.
While in Depression the Hippocampus becomes underactive, shrinks and gets smaller in size, and the Electrical activity between its neurons diminishes, the Neurons in the Amygdala becomes over-active and the Amygdala enlarges and becomes bigger in size. This brings out feelings of Fear, Anxiety, Aggression, and the symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Trans-Cranial Electro-Stimulation (TCES) devices have been proven extremely safe & effective in bringing about symptomatic relief in those suffering from Depression, Anxiety and Sleep difficulties. In addition, TCES devices are also shown to be effective in other Brain related Disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Memory problems and Bipolar Depression. They can be used indefinitely, and in the comfort of your home for only 20 minutes twice a day. Sufferers can very quickly notice partial relief early on in the treatment, and often experience significant results and relief of symptoms in as short as 6 weeks. For more information on how to obtain a home use Electro Stimulation device, please visit the page, Trans-Cranial Electro Stimulation (TCES).
Whenever the topic of Brain Chemistry is mentioned, Neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Dopamine come to mind. Very little attention has been given to Minerals, more specifically Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) that need to properly move in and out of the Brain cells or Neurons to transmit Electricity across the Neurons. The in and out motion of Sodium and Potassium across the cell membrane of Neurons is crucial in the process of Electric signal traveling across the Neurons. And if this motion of the Minerals and the proper balance of Sodium and Potassium is disturbed, the Electrical signal becomes weak. Simple Short term use of Biochemic Cell Salts to stimulate the in and out motion of Sodium and Potassium across the cell membrane of Neurons, for as little as 3 days at a time, can be extremely effective in strengthening Electrical signal across the Neurons. For more information on the important role of minerals in proper Electrical activity across the nerves, please watch this short Video Clip, edited out from my voice narrated video documentary titled, Introducing Biochemic Medicine (Full Documentary).
Another safe, effective and Non-Toxic treatment to address Brain related Disorder besides addressing Chemical imbalance, is the cutting edge approach of addressing Inflammation in the Brain, or Neuroinflammation. For more detailed information about this new perspective on Brain Health, please visit my article on Neuroinflammation, A New Approach to Brain Health.
Balancing Brain Chemistry is of course very important and can be naturally addressed by stimulating the body to produce Neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Serotonin, GABA and or Acetylcholine, using Amino Acid therapy. For more information about naturally addressing Chemical imbalance in the Brain, you can visit the page, Balancing Brain Chemistry.
Prognosis or the outcome of Non-Toxic treatments depends on the diagnosis and severity & duration of the symptoms. The goal of any treatment is to help the sufferer become functional and be able to participate in life. Depending on the diagnosis, and in case the symptoms of the illness are too severe and too powerful for the Non-Toxic treatments to overcome, some patients may need to be co-managed with conventional treatments.
I hope that I’ve been able to paint the big picture of the latest research and available Natural, Non-Toxic and Side Effect Free approach to Brain related Disorders.
As I wrote in my article, From Illness to Wellness, there are countless numbers of symptoms that we all complain of, yet there are only 5 major categories of Causal Factors for those symptoms. Addressing those 5 Causal factors can help us prolong our longevity, minimize our suffering from various illnesses, and help us achieve and maintain wellness, not only at the Physical level, but also at the Emotional and the Spiritual level. For more detailed information on the 5 major categories of Causal factors for illnesses beyond symptoms, I invite you to visit my article, From Illness to Wellness.
And for more information about other steps that you can take in your journey towards Wellness, please visit and follow the Illness to Wellness Protocol.
As always, I wish you a well deserved lifetime of Health, Joy and Peace of Mind.
Dr. Farzad Farahmand
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