Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

Homeopathic Medicine & Mental Health
Edited By Dr. Farzad Farahmand
The concept of a person as a totality rather than just a collection of inter-related anatomical parts has always played a fundamental role in the search for accurate diagnosis and positive treatment. As much attention is given to the individual’s personality and the quality and depth of relationships formed, as to the physical expressions of that person. The degree of flexibility and involvement in society, and the ability to express as well as control feelings are all used in the Homeopathic profile.
There is no emphasis on changing the person, their values or the way they perceive the future. This area is left to the individual to work out for himself when stronger. It is up to the healthy personality to resolve its own problems, hurts and distortions. Such strengths occur quite naturally through the action of the homeopathic potencies, particularly when taken in higher potencies.
The homeopathic prescription has the ability to liberate vital energies locked up in the body, so that a healthier self is experienced, with a greater sense of vitality, energy and well being. In all cases, the homeopath avoids suppression since it pushes the problems deeper under the mental skin of the patient. The homeopath does not use tranquilizers or sedatives since they ultimately sedate the person and not just the problem.
The homeopath also avoids addictive drugs since all too often they are dangerous, ineffective and simply add to the existing problems and anxieties, rather than helping to solve them. None of the homeopathic remedies cause addiction, and the remedies may be stopped at any time without either physiological or psychological withdrawal occurring.
When psychological blockages occur, for whatever reason, emotional energy is not only repressed and pushed under, but it can also affect certain key organs such as the lungs, stomach or colon, as part of a pathway for expression of feelings. When under emotional pressure, certain patients react with an attack of asthma, heartburn, indigestion or colitis, depending upon which organ is sensitized and used as an outlet. It is always healthier for the individual to express feelings directly, however strong, frightening or threatening they may be, rather than indirectly through an organ that is not basically designed to convey such intense feelings.
Homeopathy aims at a reintegration of the total self, with a lessening of unhealthy psychological regressions, blockage and isolation. The homeopathic prescription and general approach towards the person helps lesson the denial of painful hurts and memories, which can then be more easily brought to the surface, recalled, understood and discussed. This quite naturally leads to a strengthening of personality, confidence and to greater insights. Being able to tolerate mixed feelings and painful memories, previously thought of as impossible, leads to a lessoning of psychosomatic symptoms, with a considerable release of energy, well being and drive. With the correct remedy, there is a slow emergence of the bruised aspects of the personality into the light of more adult maturity and understanding, so that a softening of earlier resentments and scars can occur.
The advantage of homeopathy is its inherent effectiveness and safety, and that it supports the natural energies of the individual. In the majority of conditions, the response to treatment compares favorably with conventional methods, and in many cases, particularly when there is an underlying emotional factor, the results can be superior and far less unpleasant. In all cases, the treatment is free from often disastrous side effects of the typical allopathic prescription, and when the treatment is stopped, the patient does not slide back to the previous state of illness.
The homeopath aims to stimulate the healthy aspects of the patient and his personality. The remedies encourage the release of earlier resentments or old attitudes, of punishment, rage and inability to forgive, which all too often rise to the surface, causing emotional problems and symptoms. Such unhealthy attitudes are often long lasting and directed at parents and family. Mental illness is often nothing more than a continuation of such distorted, immature and infantile attitudes, directed at others who happen to be in the individual’s pathway or environment at the time.
The homeopath makes no demands from the patient other than to take the prescribed remedies as directed, and to avoid damaging their body and mind with a diet that is excessive and dangerous. The remedy is always based on individualization, and is the one which best fits the particular personality, attitudes, difficulties and symptoms of the time. The doctor then waits to see the effects of the remedy on the total system and the changes in the patient.
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Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
22020 Clarendon Street, Suite 101
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367