Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

Introducing Biochemic Medicine
By Dr. Farzad Farahmand:
Biochemic medicine, also known as Mineral, Cell Salt or Tissue Salt Therapy, is a natural, non-toxic approach to wellness, which was originated towards the end of the 19th century, pioneered by the German Physician and Biochemist, Dr. Wilhelm Henrich Schussler. Dr. Schussler’s Biochemic theory was originally based upon the German scientist, Rudolph Virchow’s definition of disease. Virchow, who is often considered as the father of pathology, in a lecture that was published as, “Virchow’s Cellular Pathology, demonstrated the fact that disease is caused by altered cell shape and function.
The body is made up of cells. A collection of cells build up tissues that in turn form the organs in the body, such as the liver, the heart, the kidneys and more. A collection of organs make up the different systems in the body, such as the digestive, cardiovascular, the endocrine and the nervous system.
Each individual cell in our body is composed of organic material, as well as inorganic substances. The organic components of the cells include lipids and proteins that make up the cell membrane, plus, Nucleic Acid, Carbohydrates and more, making up the protoplasm or the living part of the cell.
The inorganic components of the cells include water, which makes up about 90% of the protoplasm of the cells, plus substances and compounds including minerals essential for proper cell growth or metabolism, and micronutrients called trace elements required in minute quantities for cellular growth and development, such as Chromium, Cobalt, Selenium, Zinc and more.
By burning the human body and analyzing the ashes, Dr. Schussler was able to identify 12 main minerals salts or cell salts that build up the human body. He theorized that the correct quantity, distribution and balance of the molecular motion of these tissue salts and the water content in our body is critical to normal cellular activity and wellness. Any deficiency or disturbance in the equilibrium or distribution of these minerals can result in abnormalities or illness. According to Dr. Schussler’s Biochemic system of medicine, providing the cells with the deficient minerals or cell salts results in healthy cells, healthy tissues and in turn healthy organs and systems, thereby restoring wellness.
The system responsible to carry the minerals and other nutrients to the cells is the circulatory system. When the blood contains the proper amount of water and inorganic salts, the cells receive the needed nutrition to achieve and maintain normal function. A deficiency of one or more of the essential inorganic mineral salts in the blood can result in altered or abnormal conditions such as pain, fever, spasm, cramps or any other form the body crying for help.
The Biochemic Mineral salts are prepared by dilution, into small or minute sized molecules that can enter or be absorbed into the cells by easily passing through the cell membrane. The smaller the particles of a medicine, the less physical resistance there is in their diffusion into the tissues. As Dr. Schussler himself quoted, “The inorganic substances in the blood and the tissues are sufficient to heal all diseases which are curable.
Stress, worry, poor nutrition, food preservatives, dehydration, and environmental toxins such as pesticides, in addition to other factors in the modern day lifestyle, contribute to mineral deficiency and altered cell function in the body. Experiments show that in the absence of proper proportion of Sodium, Potassium and Calcium, the tissue salts disintegrate, causing mineral deficiency and a rapid degeneration of the protoplasm.
While the cell structure itself does not contain any of the salts, their proper proportion within the cells and the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells is crucial to the health and the maintenance of a stable metabolism within the cells.
In order to paint a big picture of the mechanism of action the Biochemic Tissue Salts in the body, let us examine and trace the action of perhaps the most abundant of all the salts in nature, the common table salt, Sodium Chloride or Natrum Muriaticum.
Natrum Muriaticum is one of the most prominent substances found in the blood plasma and it’s considered as the chief regulator of the osmotic pressure between the cells and the surrounding fluid filled space. Among the many actions of this cell salt is the proper distribution of water throughout the body, making it the treatment of choice for water retention.
There needs to be a balance or equilibrium in the water content found in the space within the cell, and the interstitial fluid or the space that surrounds the cell. In case of mineral deficiency within the cell, excess water can build up in the space outside the cell, or the interstitial fluid, causing water retention. A common example is water retention in the belly, which is caused by an improper distribution of water throughout the body. The excess buildup of water outside of the cell can also result in cell dehydration.
Naturally, water tends to move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. The area inside the cell is separated from the outside fluid by the cell membrane. The minute amounts of the cell salt Natrum Muriaticum, when taken according to Dr. Schussler’s preparation, penetrate the cell by passing through the cell membrane and triggering the osmotic process of water distribution.
As the salt enters the cells, it lowers the water concentration within the cells. This allows the excess water in a higher concentration outside the cells to rush into the area of now lowered water concentration inside of the cells, thereby hydrating the cells and evenly distributing the water content in the body.
Another example is the mechanism of action of the cell salts in the electrical conduction or the electrical activity in the nervous system. Sodium and Potassium play a crucial role in conducting electrical activity throughout the nerves. A Sodium/Potassium pump located in the cell membrane of the nerve cells regulates the in and out motion of Sodium and Potassium changing the electrical charge that is created by Sodium and Potassium across the cell membrane. As the electrical charge changes, electrical activity is carried out throughout the nerve. In addition to their many actions throughout the body, the cell salts Potassium Phosphate or Kali Phos, and Natrum Phosphate or Nat. Phos., help improve nerve activity.
The body is made up of 4 different types of tissues:
Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Nerve Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Every part of our body is made up of one or more of these tissue types. Certain combinations of Tissue Salts found in proper proportions in the body, make up healthy tissues. For example, the principal inorganic material found in Nerve Cells is Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate and Iron Phosphate. The muscle cells contain the same salts in addition to Potassium Chloride.
The cell salt Calcarea Phosphorica makes up about 60% of the bones. It functions in cell growth and also intensifies the effect of the other salts. It is an excellent choice in prevention of bone disease.
The cell salt Natrum Phosphoricum or Sodium Phosphate is a powerful neutralizer of the acidity in the body. Acidic environment in the body can result in a decrease in Enzyme production as well as buildup of Lactic Acid in muscles and joints. Acidosis or buildup of Lactic Acid in the joints is one of the leading causes of Arthritis and Osteoporosis. Excess acid may also be precipitated in the form of crystals, salts, Gall and kidney stones. Acidosis can also create a welcoming environment for parasites and viruses. By neutralizing the acidity of the body, Natrum Phosphoricum can help to create a healthy neutral or slightly alkaline environment in the body and it’s an excellent complement to Enzyme and Probiotic therapy.
Another highly beneficial salt is Ferrum Phosphoricum or Iron Phosphate. Ferrum Phos. is often used by athletes. It’s especially effective in reducing inflammation during exercise and recovery time after exercise. It’s also highly effective in treating the symptoms of cold and flu.
The cell salt Silicae as in all the other cell salts has multiple indications and functions, depending on the frequency and duration of the treatment. At certain potencies, Silicae is the medicine of choice for healthy hair, nails and skin, while in other potencies it can help with sleep and mental concentration.
The potency of the cell salts are determined by the number of time they are diluted. The mineral substances in diluted form can easily penetrate and pass through the cell membrane and enter the cells. Favorable results are achieved with only minute amounts of cell salts. Just enough needed to supply the mineral deficiency at the molecular and cellular level without leaving any excess residue, making the treatment safe, effective and non-toxic.
The dosage of the cell salts is not so much depended upon the number of tablets used, as much as it is to the number of times the dose is repeated, the time interval between the repetitions, and the duration of the treatment. In other words, in addition to the potency of the medicine, the proper treatment of different conditions is depended upon the frequency and the duration the treatment.
Cell salts often come in the form of quickly dissolvable tablets, placed sublingually or under the tongue, and are absorbed in an osmotic fashion, through the capillaries, into the blood stream.
Many other nutrients and mineral have been identified as essential in enhancing and improving cell function. Among them are inorganic micronutrients collectively known as Trace Elements. Some examples of Trace elements listed in the periodic table include Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Selenium and Zinc. Trace element deficiencies can affect the body at a mental as well as at a physical level. For example, a deficiency of Cobalt found in Vitamin B12 can cause pernicious anemia, weight loss fatigue, anxiety, memory loss and mood swings. Cobaltum Metallicum is known to be especially effective in the treatment of mood swings. Selenium among other things can be effective in the treatment of hair loss and impotence, and Chromium can help treat digestive problems and loss of appetite.
It is just as important to provide mineral deficiencies as it is to ensure proper absorption of minerals from food in order to prevent deficiencies from occurring in the first place. Proper diet, Enzyme supplementation and stress management can help decrease or prevent mineral deficiencies.
Biochemic medicine is a natural, safe and non-toxic form of medicine that helps promote and maintain proper cell function. It is non-addictive, with no contraindications, and the mineral cell salts can be taken simultaneously and in conjunction to any other type of treatment. Biochemic medicine is well established in Germany where it was first originated, as well as throughout Europe and Australia.
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The following is a video documentary based on this article, written, produced and voice narrated by Dr. Farzad Farahmand titled, Introducing Biochemic Medicine:
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Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
22020 Clarendon Street Suite # 101
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367