Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

By Dr. Farzad Farahmand:
We know that the Brain can get scars or bruises due to a jolt. Do you have any old scars on your body? If you feel them, you may notice that they're a little bit more solid or firm than the rest of the skin. The scar is always a little bit thicker and tougher than normal skin. In order to close a wound, the body sends resources to seal it. It's kind of like glue that holds your skin together. The same type of thing happens with the Brain. When the Brain gets a scar, the scar tends to harden over time. It usually takes about six to nine months for scar tissue to build. Some of the scars are actually rather soft at first, and in time they start to harden up a bit. As a result the scar starts to irritate the Brain cells or the neurons around it. Neurons are tiny wires that make the Brain work. They are like wires in a computer, except that the wires in a computer are like giant pipes compared to these small neurons. Scar tissue tends to greatly interfere with the proper electrical communication within the neurons which in turn can greatly effect the chemical transmission of signals between the neurons in the Brain. This can cause a variety of Brain related disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, memory loss, seizures, sensory/motor disturbances and more.
A majority of head injuries occur as a result of auto accidents. It is important to note that you do not have to be traveling at a high rate of speed to get a head injury. Nor do you have to hit your head on an object such as the steering wheel or the windshield to injure the brain. Even at moderate rates of speed, traumatic brain injuries can and do occur.
If a person is driving a car at 45 miles per hour and is struck head on by another car traveling at the same rate of speed, the person's brain goes from 45 miles per hour to zero in an instant. The soft tissue of the Brain is propelled against the very hard bone of the skull. The brain tissue is "squished" against the skull and blood vessels may tear. When blood vessels tear, they release blood into areas of the Brain in an uncontrolled way. For example, one might imagine a dam that breaks, causing water to flood the streets of a town.
There is also another process that the Brain goes through during a car accident. The Brain, which is very soft, is thrown against the front part of the skull which is very hard, and bruising can happen. But the injury process is not over. The Brain and the rest of the body, fly backward. This bouncing of the Brain first against the front of the skull and then against the back of the skull, can produce bruises in different parts of the Brain. Thus people can have a bruise not only where their foreheads hit the steering wheel, but other areas of the Brain as well. Besides auto accidents, this may hold true for other modes of brain injury as well.
In some extreme cases, the Brain can be torn by this forward/backward motion. A tear in the Brain can not only diminish the communication within and between the neurons but it can completely cut off the wires that make the brain work.
One of the problems with bruising and tearing is that it happens on a microscopic level. The Brain has about 100 billion of these wires. Scars, bruises and tears in the Brain may not show up on typical medical tests. Devices that take pictures of the Brain will not detect these microscopic abnormalities. Two common ways of viewing the Brain are with a CT Scan (using X-rays) and an MRI (using magnetic fields) to create pictures of the Brain. Both of these techniques are very good at seeing blood and tumors in the Brain, but they are not good with scars and tears which are very small. In a number of medical studies with people who have head injuries, only 10 to 15 percent had "positive" CT Scans or MRI findings.
If a bowling ball is dropped on your foot, the foot will turn "black and blue" due to blood leaking under the skin. But your foot will also do something else. It will swell up. The body realizes that the foot has been injured and sends agents to heal the injured area. The problem with the Brain is that there is no extra room and in case of swelling the pressure begins to build up. This pressure pushes down on the Brain and can further damage structures in the Brain.
The Brain's electrical activity can greatly be influenced by a mild to severe head injury. Abnormal signals in the Brain can cause a variety of Brain related disorders depending on the area of the Brain that is bruised. For example, a bruise in the occipital or the back region of the Brain which is responsible for vision can cause disturbances in vision. A tear in that area may even result in complete blindness.
The Brain is considered as the major power generator of the body. The power generated by the Brain travels through the nervous system or the wiring network of the body, in order to control the voluntary and the involuntary functions of our body. A mild to severe Brain concussion can cause inflammation and scar formation in the area of the Brain where the Pituitary gland is located. The Pituitary gland is responsible for regulating most of our involuntary vital functions including the function of the endocrine system. It is considered as the master gland of the body, regulating the function of the other glands.
Brain concussion can results in a disturbance in the proper functioning of the Pituitary gland and cause a variety of very serious problems. For example, it may effect the function of the Adrenal glands and cause over secretion of Adrenalin which is a hormone released during the fight or flight response of the body to danger. In the presence of real danger, as a survival mechanism, our body goes into the mode of either fighting the danger or running away from it. Under such circumstances, by the command of the Pituitary gland, the Adrenal glands secrete Adrenaline. This can increase the heart rate and cause us to experience sensations of fear and panic. In case of a Pituitary gland dysfunction, the Adrenal gland may secrete Adrenalin in the absence of any danger or threatening situation. This can cause us to experience symptoms of chronic anxiety and panic attack without ever knowing why.
A deficiency of one or more of the hormones regulated by the pituitary gland may have physical and/or psychological effects such as:
Reduced muscle mass
Decreased exercise capacity
Impaired memory
Reduced sex drive.
Most patients do not even realize that they have the hormone deficiency until specific laboratory tests for this disorder are performed.
Signs and Symptoms of concussion
Early Concussion Symptoms May Include:
Memory loss
Mood Swings
Unequal size pupils
Vision changes
Late Concussion Symptoms May Include:
Memory disturbances
Poor concentration
Sleep disturbances
Personality changes
Obsessive/Compulsive thought and behavioral disorders
Safe & Effective Non-toxic Treatment
Dr. Salar’s Normalizing Brain Function Formula has been extremely successful in helping thousands of patients resolve their above mentioned symptoms relating to single or multiple incidences of Brain concussion in their lifetime.
The internationally known clinical psychologist and the author of the best selling book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, Dr. John Gray, experienced dramatic results from Dr. Salar’s Normalizing Brain Function treatment while recovering from a Brain Concussion. In order to help others, he mentioned Dr. Salar’s treatment in his book, “The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution”. Many of the readers of the book from all over the world, who’ve seen great results from the treatment, have shown their appreciation through their testimonials over the years.
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For a Free phone consultation, please call:
818 501 2000
Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
22020 Clarendon Street, Suite 101
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367
Common cause of Brain related Dysfunctions
Mild to Traumatic Brain Concussion